Globe Award 2010: The Brazilian city Curitiba awarded the Globe Sustainable City Award 2010

Globe Award 2010: The Brazilian city Curitiba awarded the Globe Sustainable City Award 2010

The Brazilian city Curitiba wins the Globe Sustainable City Award 2010. The city of Curitiba is awarded for excellent sustainable urban development. The Globe Award statuette will be presented to representatives from the City of Curitiba on April 29th at a gala dinner at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Globe Sustainable City Award is now presented for the second year. The aim of the City Award is to underline cities and municipalities, which excel in sustainable urban development, and to set a positive example for others. The general mission of the Globe Sustainability Awards is to highlight and acknowledge particular cases and initiatives within the sustainability area.

“The City of Curitiba shows maturity in their understanding of sustainable city development – both regarding policy and implementation. The holistic approach is well framed and managed in order to create a strong and healthy community, integrating the environmental dimension with other dimensions like intellectual, cultural, economic and social”, the jury states in it’s motivation

The competition was hard and the runners-up were sustainable cities like Malmoe in Sweden, Murcia in Spain, Songpa in South Korea, Stargard Szczecinski in Poland (the winner of the Globe Award Polish Edition 2009) and Sydney in Australia.

“I congratulate Curitiba to the prestigious award for most sustainable city 2010. It is a very solid winner with a holistic municipal master plan integrating all strategic resources linked to innovation and future sustainability”, says jury group Chairman Jan Sturesson, World Economic Forum in the Global Agenda Council “future of Government” and Partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Curitiba city will be awarded at a prestigious gala dinner at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm, Sweden on April 29, held in connection to the Globe Forum sustainability conference on April 28-29th in Stockholm. The Globe Sustainabilty Awards have been given out since 2007 in four cathegories: Sustainable research, innovation, reporting and cities. For more information about the other Globe Award winners see

For more information please contact:

Lars-Olle Larsson, Chairman of the Globe Award jury, Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Sweden
Mobile: +46-709 29 39 83, e-mail:

Martina Nee, Manager Globe Award, Globe Forum, Stockholm, Sweden
Mobile: +46-733 17 53 55, e-mail:

Carin Balfe Arbman. Press Contact Globe Forum, Stockholm, Sweden
Mobile: +46-706 33 35 08, e-mail

About the winner:

Curitiba, Brazil – Municipal Master Plan indicates reorganization of the urban territory, considering drainage basins as basic planning units, institutional strengthening, seeking the development of transversality in planning and environmental management processes as well as changes in production and consumption standards, reducing costs and waste.

The Jury:

The jury for the Globe Sustainable City Award consists of highly experienced and internationally recognized experts. The overall chairman of all four jury groups is Lars-Olle Larsson, Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Sweden.

Jan Sturesson – World Economic Forum in the global agenda council “future of Government”, Partner in PwC and Global Leader of Government and Public Service, Sweden

Lawrence Bloom – Deputy Chairman of Noble Cities Plc., Former Chair and Current Member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Urban Management, Chairman of the UN Environmental Programme, Green Economy Initiative, sector on Green Cities, Buildings and Transport. and the UK Chair of the Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organisation

Marilyn Hamilton – PhD, CGA is the founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc. and TDG Global Learning Connections, Canada

C. S. Kiang – professor, Chairman of Peking University Environment Fund, China

Carlos Arruda – PhD, Chairman of the Unicon, Director of the International Relations and coordinator of the Innovation Central Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), Brazil


  • Energi


  • miljöforskning
  • leading sustainability awards
  • hållbar utveckling
  • globe forum
  • globe award
  • brasilien
  • curitiba
  • sustainable city
  • grön urbanism
  • urbanism
  • infrastructure
  • city development
  • hållbara städer
  • brasiliansk


  • Utanför Sverige

Globe Award was founded in 2007 in Sweden by the international business network and marketplace Globe Forum. Globe Award 2010 is acknowledging prominent researchers, innovators, cities and companies – from all parts of the world – within four categories Sustainability Research Award, Sustainability Innovation Award, Sustainable City Award and the Sustainability Reporting Award;

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